Kate Agathon


When Colorado-based Skratch Labs comes up with a new flavor, it’s always exciting to see what they come up with. This season, they’ve delivered.Skratch Labs


Here are my top picks: the Skratch Blueberry Sport energy chews and Skratch Raspberry Limeade drink mix.


Do you recall the line from Willy Wonka? “The Snozzberries taste like Snozzberries!” That’s how I felt the first time I tasted Skratch’s new Blueberry Sport Energy Chews.


The blueberry flavor is incredible.


They don’t taste synthetic or gummy, as other energy chews feel. Instead, the new blueberry sports energy chews offer deep bursts of blueberry flavor that is surprising to find in a sports energy chew.


The unique texture feels like gum drops, so popping Skratch chews really feels like snacking on candy.


Boosted with 50mg of caffeine, the Blueberry sport energy chew is perfect for hiking, cycling, or any outdoor activity.


When I’m riding my bike, I can place them on my top tube for convenience. And unlike gels, they don’t make a mess in my pack pockets or all over my gloves.


Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan and bursting with flavor that only comes from using real blueberries, these energy gels are amazing. I hope they become permanently added to Skratch’s list of chews.

Skratch Labs New Flavors 2

Skratch Raspberry Limeade

My other favorite that Skratch introduced this season is the Skratch Raspberry Limeade caffeinated sport hydration drink mix.


This tastes exactly as described- like Raspberry Limeade, not some synthetic kool-aid with an ambiguous name, or something with a weird, soapy flavor. This reminded me of some of the limeades I had as a child, except better.


Ever since being introduced to Skratch’s caffeinated Matcha Green Tea and Lemon at the Copper Triangle alpine classic (79-mile loop over three mountain passes), I have favored caffeinated sport hydration drink mixes for tough rides with long mileage, or excruciating hill climbs.


Consequently, I was delighted that Raspberry Limeade is packed with 50mg of caffeine (for comparison, an 8oz cup of coffee has 70-100mg of caffeine). When you’re tired and your legs are beat, that boost makes a difference.


I didn’t think Skratch could top its summer seasonal Peach flavor sport hydration drink mix that it introduced a few years ago, but it may just have with the introduction of Raspberry Limeade.


With the addition of the caffeinated Blueberry sports energy chews and Raspberry Limeade caffeinated hydration drink mix, Skratch continues to create amazing flavors and new products to its sports fuel lineup. Two huge thumbs up!

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